QuickNode recognized the potential of our ProtocolScout project

One of the leading Web3 developer platforms QuickNode selected ProtocolScout into their program for web3 startups with AWS!  Just this past week we were able to upgrade our footprint in AWS. With QuickNode’s Scale plan we can now deliver Ethereum mainnet balances for 250+ assets to our #crypto #CPAs and #Auditors in less than 4…

ProtocolScout – a powerful suite of blockchain tools

Exciting News!  Thrilled to share that AlgoMetric has just launched ProtocolScout, a powerful suite of blockchain tools tailor-made for financial auditors and accountants in the digital asset space. Revolutionizing the game, ProtocolScout offers multi-chain access to 32 networks in its first beta version  Explore the public beta/demo at and elevate your digital asset experience. Don’t miss out on…

The largest financial B2B EXPO

AlgoMetric had the pleasure to attend iFX EXPO International, the world’s premier financial B2B expo that gathered professionals in trading, fintech, and financial services.Unparalleled networking opportunities, insightful content and fresh business growth ideas have definitely made this event one of the most successful industry meetups of the year! #iFXEXPO, #Fintech, #Networking, #Business, #AlgoMetric

Billiard time

Billiard si all about making shots but also making friends! We had a great time in Užice last week and we bonded our teams together: winners and losers:-)

Bowling time

Some good rolling at the bowling:-) #algometricteams #bowling #havingfun Zez i druženje, jer valja se!


When we ask our clients what the main advantage of having Algometric as a partner is, their number one response is our fully transparent approach throughout the whole process. Gathering every couple of weeks for a demo gives them meaningful insight into the progress made and allows everyone to easily keep track of project deliverables.…

Great news!

We are thrilled to be the integrators of these two great platforms!#digitalsecurities #digitalfmi #fireblocks #gatenet See the link below! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/algometric_gatenet-announces-integration-with-fireblocks-activity-6980798573076500481-fgT3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Synergy two teams for new innovative FinTech projects

Fintech domain expertise merged with blockchain technology know-how is an excellent ‘package deal’ when it comes to finance digitalization. We have already successfully cooperated with 42computing and now we are moving forward with the joint implementation of new and innovative FinTech projects! 42computing is a dynamic deep tech R&D company run by a team of…

Partnership announced with AlgoMetric to enhance GATENet’s Digital FMI! 

#digitalsecurities You can read the full article here:https://lnkd.in/dqgPJc25

Gateway to a digital market

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we have partnered up with the renowned GSX Group and their subsidiary – GATENet for the development of a new, blockchain project that will be a game changer in the Digital Securities/Assets & Web3 industry. The Digital Financial Markets Infrastructure (FMI) project will launch a primary and secondary…

Divčibare, maj 2022. Zeeez!

Kako smo svi remote, sa nekim ljudima iz firme smo se prvi put sreli na Divčibarama gde smo proteklog vikenda organizovali TEAM BUILDING. I u “realnom svetu” smo kliknuli! #teambuilding #algometric #fun #kabare


It you are TALENTED, MOTIVATED and TEAM player, give us a sign!

Hiring – C# .NET Developers

Tražimo talentovanog C# .NET Developera za rad u FinTech domenu. Ključne veštine i kvalifikacije: *C# *.NET CORE *SQL I NoSQL *Azure *HTTP, FTP i protokoli *Poznavanje i rad sa dizajn paternima i oop principima Poželjno je da imaš: *Iskustvo u front-end tehnologijama: javascript, typescript, angular ili react *Znanje PowerShell script language *Rad sa PostgreSQL, MongoDB…


Agile ti daje FLEKSIBILNOST da odgovoriš na promene na tržištu: Određivanje zahteva unapred može biti skupa poslovna odluka jer tržište stalno menja pravac. Ili možeš otkriti novi/dodatni zahtev. Agile ti daje mogućnost da nove prilike prisvojiš bez potrebe da počinješ ispočetka. Agile ti pomaže da razlikuješ potrebe od želja = BOLJI ROI: 20-30% originalno planiranih…

Join Us!

Ako si developer koji traga za poslom ili si na kraju studija, ako si zaposlen(a) ali želiš nove poslovne izazove, GIVE US A CALL! Ulazimo u veoma dinamičan i produktivan period i potrebni su nam ljudi u timu koji će biti prisutni na novim projektima: *Angular Developer *Java Developer *C# .NET Core Developer *Node .js…

Breaking the Pain Point: How Logistics Companies Can Streamline Data Exchange with Subcontractors

Logistic companies hear hear! Find out how you can facilitate the timely completion of necessary documentation from your subcontractors with the help of e@TransportDocument  Logistics companies often face challenges in efficiently exchanging data and documentation with their subcontractors, especially transport service providers. While this problem is not primarily related to technology, it requires a shift…


Na ovogodišnjem Beogradskom maratonu, naša Nataša je istrčala polumaraton! Isto je uradila i 2012, 2013, 2019. godine.U Novom Sadu je 2014. godine istračala noćni polumaraton.Vikend iza nas je trčala i Goliju trail, stazu dugu 32 km. Bio je tu i jedan Kopaonik trail od 7 km. Biće ih još… Mala ne staje! Kako kaže, u…

We Are Growing!

We extended our business to the US in California to be closer to our USA clients. We are providing the same level and scope of knowledge, skills and dedication in our new office. We are waiting to turn your ideas into reality! Contact Us: office@algometricusa.com


We are able to support and help you with all your software issues. To be more accesible for our clients, we are expanding our location network. Find out how our experiance can be an advantage for your company!

Maybe You’re the One

Requirements and qualifications: Angular JS JavaScript, HTML, CSS Experience with RESTful services Experience in JavaScript build tools like grunt or gulp Experience in modern JavaScript MV-VM/MVC frameworks (AngularJS, JQuery, NodeJS, GruntJS) Familiar with testing frameworks (Ex. Jasmine, Ex. Karma) Test runner framework (Ex. Karma) Implements complex AngularJS applications, directives, controllers, services Critical thinker and problem-solving…


RPA resolves customer problems before they hang up! Many companies these days are using RPA TOOLS for DEVELOPING SOFTWARE programs to manipulate data, interpret transcactions and communicate with other digital system. BY USING advanced techniques of RPA automation anywhere in your business, you can scale your BUSINESS GROWTH. What are the benefits of using RPA?…


Postoje ljudi koji čega god da se late, ne samo da pokazuju umeće nego i veliko interesovanje da to dodatno usavrše. Jedan od takvih učenjaka, volšebni majstor velikog broja zanata je i Vlada Prvanov. Vlada je pun kontrasta.  …pa je tako posle Vojne gimnazije i Vojne akademije  (silno je želeo da bude pilot!), svestan da…

Dance With Me

Povodom stogodišnjice rođenja Astora Piazzolle, ženski tango kvartet TANGUANGO, adaptirao je operetu Maria de Buenos Aires. Pored njih, na sceni su se pojavili i drugi muzičari i plesni parovi i Beograđanima pružili topao i zavodljiv osećaj. Mala scena pozorišta “Duška Radović” je gorela od energije i dobrog vajba a mi smo “na nogama” podržali naše…


Nisu nam potrebne nikakve statistike nit tužne priče da bismo znali da mnoga deca nisu srećna. Potrebno nam je da se organizujemo kao ljudi oko iste ideje i da pokažemo volju da pomognemo. Dobročinstvo se uči. Pa hajmo, naučimo jedni od drugih…


Da li znate da će Pupin uskoro praviti društvo Nikoli Tesli ispred Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu? Vreme je da se bar malo odužimo velikom naučniku i najvećem srpskom dobrotvoru. Zanimljive informacije i virtuelnu šetnju kroz Pupinov život, otkrijte na: www.mihajlopupin.rs U međuvremenu, posetite Idvor, rodno mesto velikog naučnika.